Our firm represents many individuals in the Greater Cincinnati and Dayton areas. Many of our clients have been significantly injured in car crashes and experience similar issues when dealing with insurance...
Getting into a Cincinnati car wreck with any type of car or other automobile can present difficult legal situations. Dealing with a commercial insurance carrier can present an extra layer of complexity,...
Choosing a lawyer after you have been involved in a car accident or work injury can be a very frustrating experience. Oftentimes injured persons are swamped with mail from lawyers seeking their business. One...
When an auto accident occurs most people have more questions than answers about what should be done. Can I go get treatment right away? Should I get treatment right away? Who will pay? What will happen to my...
Following a work accident an injured employee may be hounded by collectors for outstanding balances with hospitals, doctors offices, physical therapy offices and more. In Ohio, if the injured employee has an...
Many clients contact us after being involved in an auto accident or car crash while on the job. This can make for a confusing situation with the different parties that are often involved. This article will try...
Many prospective clients call us after a Cincinnati accident and tell us that the crash report (or “OH-1”) mistakenly cites them as being at fault for the accident. This can be a very frustrating experience to...
We have many clients who have been injured in a Cincinnati car accident while on the job. When this occurs, it is possible to bring both a personal injury claim as well as a claim with the Ohio Bureau of...
The vast majority of law offices these days specialize in a particular area or areas of the law. Larger firms may specialize in dozens of areas or more. At McKenzie & Snyder LLP we have made a calculated...
It is often necessary for our firm to request additional conditions be added into a BWC or “workers comp” claim. The reason for this is that a claim may not be recognized or allowed for conditions or diagnoses...
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