What is PPD Compensation Award in Ohio How is an Ohio Workers Comp “PPD” Award Determined? Following a Cincinnati work injury, an injured worker may suffer from permanent or “residual” damage or impairment....
Winter weather is upon us here in Ohio, and that means that with the snow and ice that car accidents are on the rise! We have a peculiar winter in that our temperatures border on the freezing point on many days...
Hamilton, Ohio has a strong and growing bicycle community, it's as important as ever to take the proper safety measures to avoid bike riding crashes and severe injuries. My wife and I are avid bike riders...
Understand Types of Workers Compensation in Ohio If you feel that you have a workers' compensation claim in Ohio, this article will help understand the various types of Workers' Compensation payments. Ohio...
What is the First Report of Injury (FROI)? Ohio workers’ compensation claims are filed for all kinds of different injuries and diseases. Claims are filed using the First Report of Injury form (FROI) and...
People often call us after being injured or in an accident on the property of another and ask whether they have a potential claim against the property owner (e.g., a business or store owner or a...
To find the Ohio BWC address nearest you, click on the link below and use the Ohio BWC office locator. https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/bwccommon/services/officelocator/default.asp Note*These offices handle...
In Ohio, generally speaking, a “wrongful death” is a death caused by the wrongful act or negligence of another. The “wrongful act” or “negligence” provides the basis of liability in a civil lawsuit for...
Car wrecks are violent sudden impacts that our bodies are not built to endure. In many auto accidents the alignment of our spinal cords and lumbar area slip out of place causing extreme pain and limited...
If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident in Hamilton, hopefully your insurance coverage includes a medical payment provision (medpay). A medical payment provision is intended to act much like...
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