Under Ohio law, as of 2025, employees who sustain injuries or contract occupational diseases "in the course of and arising out of" their employment are entitled to workers' compensation benefits. Importantly,...
What is PPD Compensation Award in Ohio How is an Ohio Workers Comp “PPD” Award Determined? Following a Cincinnati work injury, an injured worker may suffer from permanent or “residual” damage or impairment....
Understand Types of Workers Compensation in Ohio If you feel that you have a workers' compensation claim in Ohio, this article will help understand the various types of Workers' Compensation payments. Ohio...
To find the Ohio BWC address nearest you, click on the link below and use the Ohio BWC office locator. https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/bwccommon/services/officelocator/default.asp Note*These offices handle...
Workers’ compensation as a legal institution may be as old as law itself. From the first civilizations to the countries that exist to this day, workers compensation laws have protected the lives and livelihoods...
What is Vocational Rehabilitation? Vocational rehabilitation is the process of restoring the vocational functioning of an Ohio worker who experiences an on the job injury or occupational disease and who...
Getting hurt on the job undoubtedly sends shockwaves through your entire life. Whether you’ve just become injured or you’re already at odds with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, call us anytime with any...
Starting a workman’s comp or BWC claim is actually quite simple. The filing of the first report of injury form (or “froi”) and supporting documentation from your doctor is all that is generally required to get...
An affidavit is a written or printed declaration or statement of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before a person having authority to administer...
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