Who Pays After an Accident with an Amazon, Uber, or DoorDash Driver? Let McKenzie & Snyder, LLP. Handle the Headache If you've been in an accident with an Amazon delivery driver, Uber driver, or...
Experiencing a car or truck accident is distressing, and it becomes even more complex when the incident exacerbates a pre-existing medical condition. In Ohio, as of 2025, individuals with aggravated...
Have Speed Humps, Speed Bumps, and Speed Cushions Reduced Car Accidents in Cincinnati? First, what is a speed cushion, and a speed hump? WCPO has a good video explainer on the different between a speed...
Navigating medical treatment and the claims process after being in a car accident can be daunting and confusing. If you decide to seek legal representation, there are a few things you can expect. First, just...
When you find yourself in a personal injury situation and need a lifeline, it can be a daunting experience. One common cause of personal injury is car accidents. These accidents can result in physical injuries,...
Understanding the Components of your Auto-Injury Being involved in a motor vehicle accident is a burden nobody ever wants to face; some people are even lucky enough to have never been involved in one. In...
If you were in an accident and you either don’t have a valid license or insurance, or both, can you still collect car accident injury compensation? This is one of the more common questions we get. Let...
You are pulling out of a parking lot space in your car, ready to get home with your groceries, when BAM! You and another car collide. While this might feel like any other car accident, accidents in parking...
If you’ve been driving long enough, you have probably found yourself in this situation. You were in a car accident and now your car is sitting at a tow lot. The question is, what now? What are your rights...
Many people have been lucky enough to have never been involved in a motor vehicle accident. However, if you ever have the misfortune of getting into an accident, especially if its not your fault, here is...
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