Following a Hamilton, Ohio work injury, a certain amount of permanent (or “residual”) damage may remain. This lingering injury is compensable under Ohio law via what is called a “permanent partial disability award” (or a “PPD” award for short).
For example, if you break your arm or tear a ligament in your knee you may end up losing some of the use of your arm or leg. After filing an injury claim and requesting a permanent partial disability award a doctor may examine your ongoing problems due to the injury and attribute a certain percentage of disability. This percentage may result in monetary compensation.
Obviously, the greater the ongoing problems, the higher the percentage one can expect. For example, if one were unfortunate enough to suffer the loss of a thumb on the job in 2009, he or she may anticipate an award of $46,020.00; if one were to suffer the loss of his or her hand, he or she may anticipate an award of $134,225.00…and so on and so forth.
If you have suffered any kind of on the job injury or injury related to the work that you do, be sure to consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can talk to you about your options of filing a workers’ compensation claim as well as the possibility of receiving a permanent partial disability (or PPD) award.
Call McKenzie & Snyder for a free case evaluation. (513) 737-5180
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