We are often hired by injured workers with bureau of workers comp (or “BWC”) claims after he or she receives notice of a hearing that will be held at one of the local industrial commission (or “IC”) offices.
What Goes on in an Industrial Commission Hearing?
The IC holds hearings regarding a number of issues. The most typical involve either a treatment issue and/or an allowance issue.
Authorization of Treatment / Medication Hearings
Hearings involving treatment generally concern whether treatment for a work injury (e.g., physical therapy, chiropractic, surgery, medicine, etc.) is reasonably necessary and appropriate for the allowed condition(s) in the Ohio work comp claim. As Cincinnati work comp attorneys, we tackle such hearings on a regular basis (roughly a dozen per week), arguing for the medical care our clients deserve.
Allowance Hearings
Hearings involving allowance issues are also typical. These hearings generally concern whether or not a given condition should be added into an injured worker’s claim. These are very important hearings because if an employee/worker does not have the correct allowances or diagnoses in his or her claim, the result could be that treatment and/or compensation will be denied.
McKenzie & Snyder handles work comp hearings in the Greater Cincinnati and Dayton / Fairborn areas. Feel free to contact us by using the form to the right or simply by calling 513-737-5180 to discuss your upcoming hearing.
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